Public Citizen's energy and climate program advocates for affordable, clean and sustainable energy. We safeguard families by promoting the strong regulation of energy markets, educate the public on the dangers of continued reliance on dirty energy sources, help solve climate change by promoting localized clean energy alternatives and hold large energy corporations accountable by exposing wrongdoing.

Hold Climate Deniers Accountable

Demand Climate Deniers Stop Pandering to Big Polluters. Take Action.

Explore Public Citizen's Energy and Climate Program

Stop Exelon-Pepco Merger

Climate Pollution Rules

The merger, if approved, will give Exelon a near monopoly in the Mid-Atlantic region and could mean higher prices and worse service for consumers.  

The U.S. government has issued a plan to end dumping unlimited carbon pollution into our air from power plants. Read Public Citizen's response to the Clean Power Plan.


No Dirty Energy Bailouts

Texas Clean Energy

Dirty energy companies in Ohio, Illinois and New York are seeking bailouts to guarantee the utilities profit at the expense of ratepayers and clean energy.  
Public Citizen Texas works on policy that will lower electric bills, increase clean and renewable sources of energy, and combat greenhouse gas emissions.

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