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    Activism from the Lone Star state
    Energy, Environment, and Ethics
    with a Texas Twang

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    Part of clean government is fair and equitable rules governing attorneys in the state of Texas. 

    Public Citizen's Texas office has offered comments on proposed rules governing the conduct of attorneys in the state to the Supreme Court of Texas and the State Bar of Texas.  Read our open letter to members of the Texas State Bar below and click here to see our comments submitted to the Supreme Court of Texas.


    Promoting Clean Government

    The eyes of Texas are upon you:

    The people’s business should be done in front of the people.

    Ultimately, the citizen cannot be effective if elections are not free and fair, or if the people’s business is taking place behind closed doors. We fight for citizen access to hold our elected representatives accountable.

    Over the past 25 years Public Citizen has worked hard to clean up government in Texas. We helped establish the Texas Ethics Commission, and then worked to give it the teeth it needs to enforce its rules.


    In 1995 Public Citizen successfully lobbied for campaign finance limits on judicial campaigns, by documenting that big contributors to judicial races were often those who appeared most often before the courts. At the legislature we helped pass laws requiring that all contributors disclose their occupations and employers, along with other key lobbying and campaign reforms.


    We currently focus on bringing clean, fair elections to Texas through publicly financed campaigns. Together We promote public financing for our Texas members of Congress; we also promote public financing at all levels: for judicial races, the Legislature, all other statewide offices, even at the city and county level.


    We also seek greater openness and accountability by standing up for fuller, more complete, and more accurate disclosure laws: modernizing our reporting methods and providing data to citizens in easy-to-use formats. We work to insure the validity and fairness of elections, to make sure every vote counts.


    We want to help you become effective citizen advocates. Want some help? Contact the Texas office at 512-477-1155 and we’ll be happy to make a presentation to your group about effective citizen advocacy.


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    You can support the fight for greater government and corporate accountability through a donation to either Public Citizen, Inc., or Public Citizen Foundation, Inc.

    Public Citizen lobbies Congress and federal agencies to advance Public Citizen’s mission of advancing government and corporate accountability. When you make a contribution to Public Citizen, you become a member of Public Citizen, showing your support and entitling you to benefits such as Public Citizen News. Contributions to Public Citizen are not tax-deductible.

    Public Citizen Foundation focuses on research, public education, and litigation in support of our mission. By law, the Foundation can engage in only very limited lobbying. Contributions to Public Citizen Foundation are tax-deductible.