Access to Medicines

Public Citizen's Global Access to Medicines Program works with partners worldwide to improve health outcomes and save lives, through use of pharmaceutical cost-lowering measures including generic competition. We support civil society groups and public agencies with analysis and technical assistance to help overcome patent-based and other drug monopolies. Our work challenges Big Pharma's economic and political power. Learn more about the Access to Medicines Program


For a review of the six-year international campaign against the TPP, please read here.

Explore Public Citizen's Access to Medicines Program

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)

Compulsory Licenses & Access Litigation

Tpp trade negotiators; Flickr image by Gobierno de Chile
The U.S. Trade Representative is pressuring developing countries to trade away access to medicines in the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). Public Citizen is working for a better partnership.
Public Citizen helps countries exercise their rights to overcome pharmaceutical monopolies and promote access to affordable medicines.

Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA)

Other campaigns

The U.S. and EU are seeking to establish a new "gold standard" for IP rules which, over time, developing countries will most likely be pressed to adopt. Public Citizen is working with US and EU allies to ask negotiators to keep IP out of TAFTA.
  white pills with a blue background; Flickr image by hitoyam
Learn about our work on Domestic Policy (NIH) and Medicine Quality and Anti-Counterfeit Policy




For more information on our work, contact us at [email protected]

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