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Congressional Ethics

Washington is a swamp of lobbyists, big-money campaign contributions, and fund raisers. Public Citizen is working for ethics laws that drain the swamp and make sure the government serves the public rather than public officials' whims or private interests.

We've come a long way, especially with a landmark law we helped to pass in 2007, but the rules must be tougher. Public Citizen has fought — and continues to fight — for laws that restrict lobbyists' activities, or at minimum mandate better disclosure of them. We've recently won bans on lobbyist gifts to members of Congress and other federal employees. We also won restrictions on corporate-sponsored travel and the "revolving door" between Congress and K Street, Washington’s notorious lobbyist corridor.

But current and former members of Congress, and their staffs, are still cashing in at the expense of the country.

More Resources on Congressional Ethics

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