Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch seeks to ensure that in this era of globalization, all Americans can enjoy economic security, a clean environment, safe food, medicines and products, access to quality affordable services such as health care and the exercise of democratic decision-making in matters that affect them and their communities. Learn more about GTW.

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NEW REPORT: The TPP Would Have Proved Useless in Countering China’s Risky Ambitions

Side-by-side quotes of rehashed China fear-mongering of past trade deals and TPP.


Trade Data Center

One-stop shop for searchable trade databases, case lists & more

Eyes on Trade

Global Trade Watch blog on trade & globalization. Subscribe to RSS.

Debunking Trade Myths

To hide the facts about failed trade policies, proponents are changing the data


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» Jobs, Wages and Economic Outcomes

» Food Safety

» Access to Affordable Medicines

» Corporate-rigged “Trade” Pacts

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North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Corporate Attacks on Our Laws

NAFTA established a radically new “trade” agreement model. Its corporate-rigged rules have resulted in millions suffering job loss, wage stagnation, and economic instability and corporate attacks on our environmental, health and other public interest policies.
Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS): At the heart of "trade" deals is a provision that grants new rights to thousands of multinational corporations to sue governments over public interest laws before a panel of three corporate lawyers.

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

TPP: International civil society has defeated the TPP, a massive, controversial, pro-corporate "free trade" agreement among the U.S. and 11 other countries that threatened everything from the safety of our food to the stability of our economy. Haga click aquí para ver recursos en español.  
TTIP: U.S. and EU corporations are pushing for this massive deal as the latest venue to attack safety standards, climate policies and financial regulations.

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